Sunday, April 29, 2012

Oh, The Horror Of It All...

I love horror movies. Yep, I do. Not only me but my whole family loves horror movies. It is not uncommon to find us all sitting around watching something creepy and then plan to re-inact it on Halloween.

So before you all decide I am crazy let's pick apart a horror movie and we can start with "Scream" not one of my favorites but it incorporates "the rules" of a horror movie which is always one of the most important things to remember when watching. This is one of your standard slasher movies in which the core group being attacked are high-schoolers. We start with the murder of a girl alone at home who decides to flirt with some stranger over the phone. Bad choices = bad consequences. This is always a main theme of a horror movie. Especially if those choices are drugs, drinking, and casual sex. Since these activities are rampant among teens they make an easy target for the psychotic murderer. If you move on from this type of film to something like "Last house on the Left" you see what happens when parents are involved and it isn't pretty for the psychotic murderer. Back to "Scream" we see that these kids begin to formulate a plan for survival but are always thwarted by the "it can't happen to me" attitude and end up dead in a myriad of creative and horrific ways. Until we reach the end when the good kids live and the virginal, quick thinking GIRL saves the day.

So tell me what about this would I not want to impart to my children? Make bad decisions and it could kill you, is that extreme? Yes, unless you are the parent of a child who has died from a poor choice. Be smart and always be aware of your surroundings, this is good advice for everyone. Your boyfriend could be a crazy stalker murderer, thankfully this isn't always the case but unfortunately it has happened so be careful ladies and gents. Girls are strong and can save the day, hell yes they are and can. I do not want my kids to be limited by society's idea that only a man can save the day. 

Horror movies are a great way to open communication to talk about many different things that ordinarily you may have a hard way to ease into. 

As an end I am making a list of our top 3 favorite horror movies enjoy!

  1. Candyman
  2. Descent
  3. The Ring
Middle Daughter (6)
  1. Dead Silence
  2. Monster House
  3. Sweeny Todd
Youngest Daughter (4)
This is by no means an exhaustive list believe me there are soooo many I would love to list. I would love to hear what some of you favorites are. 

1 comment:

  1. I like serial Noah; Resident Evil, Underworld... Some of the movies that creep me out the most are the ones from my childhood, even though the fx are horrendous, The Birds. I wonder if it's because my childhood fears are embedded with it or if it's just close enough to possible to creep me out?
