So lets go with laundry...
Me and laundry we have a love hate relationship I hate washing folding and putting away clothes, however I like wearing it. And let's just say for arguments sake the general public is also grateful that I wear clothes.
So here is what a normal dirty laundry pile and clean laundry pile look like at my house... To your right is a lovely pile of dirty laundry, I firmly believe this pile is capable of hiding at least one adult or two children.
And the lovely picture to your left would be the mounds that now need to be folded and put away, I would like to add that they are all placed on a lovely made bed so I feel like I should get some bonus points for that or something.
The fridge was much easier to keep clean before I started juicing, now it is full of so many veggies that it looks like I am trying to turn my fridge into a greenhouse. But Again I think I should get some points here for the "starting to make healthier choices" category.
Bathrooms are the bane of my existence, Why do they not clean themselves already? What is a soap and make-up hoarder supposed to do to keep a bathroom clean? On top of that bathroom number two is used almost solely by children which makes it even harder to keep clean. I think they each use a quarter of a toothpaste tube to brush their teeth every morning.
So for a while I did flylady which works really really well if you have the time to put into it, I know its only supposed to take a few minutes but in reality it takes a bit more time. I did this for quite a while and then something happened. I have heard of this happening to other people but I had no idea just how much time
the Derby Monster can take to tame. Now if you know derby at all you know it isn't all skating it's committees and groups and games and papers and studying and 50 emails, texts, facebook messages, or calls in one day especially if a game is coming up. Of curse I wouldn't change it for the world which means the world has to understand that the house only gets cleaned about once a week.
Oh by the way I need to get a move on it because I have practice tonight!
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