Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Time to pull up the big girl panties...

I am sitting here drinking my green lemonade (a juice I made out of: 2 apples, 1 lemon, 1 head of romaine, and 5 or so Kale leaves) and I am thinking "SOOOOO it is time to pull up the big girl panties and make some changes." 
Yummy green lemonade

I really hate change because it makes me uncomfortable, but I recently heard a crazy ass (awesome) coach say "do something everyday that scares you" That's not me I don't do that! I am starting to think maybe it is time. Today I am wearing my skates all day.

Do you not see the large grout lines here!!!! By the way, I made my lemonade with skates on.

 I know that may not seem too scary to some of you but to me it is frightening. I have huge tiles with huge grout lines (meaning huge cracks, see them they are HUGE) I hate cracks. I have had a very close relationship with a crack in a park and I have to say when you are a "big girl" you don't catch air often but this mighty crack sent me flyin'!!!

It's time to challenge myself. This is pretty hard for me because I am big and slow and self conscious  about my lacking skill set. I hate to feel like I may be holding someone back but I hate the idea that I may be the only thing holding myself back, even more. It's time for me to see what I am capable of, maybe it isn't what I have hoped but how will I ever know if I don't pursue it? Last night one of the beautiful people I know (all the people I know are beautiful to me in some way or another) gave me a little reality check. I hate being figured out and she did it in like a few seconds, she had my number before I even opened my mouth to give it to her! Time to move on or stay put. the choice is up to me. Harsh words and I think I heard them because she said it not to be mean but because it was the truth.

How bout you are you holding back from something that you know you can accomplish? Are you the voice inside your own head telling yourself you can't do it or you aren't good enough? How will you ever know what you are capable if you don't give it all you got?

It's time to Doooo Itttttt!!!!

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