Thursday, August 8, 2013

Back to School

First Day of School

It is that time again, time to send your beautiful spawn off to learn how to be self aware, smart, and contributing members of society. Of course this is all things they should be learning at home too. Anyway, this is my last kiddo's first year at school and she is really loving Kindergarten. Of course it helps that we have known her kinder teacher since our oldest was in kindergarten. So it is kinda like family, and that is the beautiful thing about our school.

Props to the teachers, I had no idea until right now as I sit in the absolute silence of my kitchen typing, (something I would never have time to do if my kids were home) I realize that all of the noise had to go somewhere. Then I start thinking: well, I only have 4 kids (only, is a relative word here) and they are loud as hell so what must it really be like in that classroom? I know what it is like because I have been in there volunteering many hours of my time in classrooms but still it is not as loud as it is in my home when the kids are here.

What the heck? How do I learn these skills of silence and dull murmur? I have some theories that I am sure are completely wrong but like I said I am alone and it is quiet.

1. Classroom shark: comes out when sound reaches a certain decibel level, of course, can only be purchased at secret teacher store and can only be seen by children.

2. Teacher: appears to adults as beautiful saintly human being but to children mimics Eartha Kitt's character in Ernest Scared Stupid. Being both friendly and crazy looking all at ones confuses children into silence.

3. Bribery: Silence is rewarded by letting children take home the AWESOME classroom mascot stuffed animal which increases the amount of homework the child must do, thereby increasing the amount of parent participation in said homework when all of the weekly happenings must be journaled. Ingenious (whoever thought this up was obviously some type of military strategist).

4. Ultimate weapon: having to go to another classroom, I imagine to a child this would be like a scene from The Shining where Danny keeps telling his mom he doesn't want to go into room 237. 

Of course this is all pure speculation however I am thinking they must learn some pretty amazing stuff in those early childhood development classes and maybe it should be a required class as most of us will probably be parents at sometime.

Thank you teachers for all of your hard work and thank you especially for all of the work you do behind the scenes at home I really appreciate it, even if I don't know you I appreciate it! You are amazing and what you do truly changes lives.

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